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Saorín: "The help of 450 euros Rajoy leaves out 85% of the unemployed without benefits" (10/12/2014)

The coordinator of IU-Greens in Cieza claims that the issue of long-term unemployed "is a serious problem that is part of the unacceptable costs of the crisis and the general impoverishment of the population."

The coordinator of IU-Greens in Cieza, Francisco Saorín, revealed that "only 300,000 people could benefit from the new aid of 450 euros for long-term unemployed. That is, just over one in ten unemployed without aid accede to a benefit ranging from 399 to 450 euros, provided they have more than a year unemployed and unpaid benefits. "

"Moreover, to achieve this help, could not collect it for over six months period after which there will be no extension. Also, this proposal already has an expiration date, since end on December 31 of next year, coinciding casually with the next general elections scheduled for November, "he explained Saorín.

The coordinator ciezanos ecosocialistas has stated that we are in a situation where almost half of the unemployed no longer have any protection, 30% of the population is under the poverty line and more than 700,000 homes no income, "so that" we must give an adequate and comprehensive solution "to the unemployed with no income, adding that" the public authorities must ensure a decent life for all citizens "because that" is one of the principles of political power established by Article 10 of the Constitution ".

Facing the aid plan Rajoy IU-Green argues that we should begin by "develop a system Basic Social Income and Resources" explaining Saorín to "start from the universal right to a decent life, which obviously only be claimed by those who lack resources to secure ".

In this regard, he detailed that "at least the guaranteed amount would staff the Public Indicator of Multiple Effect Income (IPREM), which today is 533.31 euros," an amount "should be modulated upward depending on the number of persons in the family unit and would be completed with the necessary support in public services "such as housing, scholarships, public transportation, or water and energy bills.

Source: IU-verdes Cieza

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