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Saorín announced that citizens consult the most important decisions (20/04/2015)

In a press release, Francisco Saorín, candidate for mayor of the town of Cieza Win / IU-AS has announced that citizens consult the important decisions you have to make the council, revealing that the electoral program your application includes organizing consultations to citizens on the key issues of municipal policy, inscribing this proposal at its initiative "democratization" of City Hall.

To Saorín, these queries are "essential" for the new stage to Win Cieza / IU-AS intends to open in municipal life, calling them "away from harmful opacity and elitism" which in his view has characterized the management of the City in the last twelve years.

If you reach the local government, Winning Cieza / IU-AS ask the central government authorization to hold referendums on major decisions, of which Saorín remember that they are permitted by law but never performed in Cieza.

"There is no real democracy if people are not allowed to think of every possible way," said the candidate for mayor, who believes that among the issues on which citizens can decide "strategic actions" are.

"Never hipotecaríamos the City without the certainty that the public agrees," stressed Saorín, for whom the PP mayor has acted in a completely opposite way in recent years.

Winning Cieza / IU-AS, citizen participation "must be constant", which also proposes the involvement of citizens in the plenary, with the possibility to propose items on the agenda and to participate in its development within the channels that are enabled by regulation;

public hearings on topics of general interest;

popular initiative for relevant policy decisions at the local level;

and the creation of Sector Councils, regulated from the basic provisions of the Rules of Participation.

In addition, Saorín is committed to participatory budgeting, with the study and progressive implementation of tools that enable citizen participation in preparing municipal budgets;

and bring "the municipal administration to citizens, ensuring a balance and solidarity between different neighborhoods and nuclei of the municipality of Cieza".

Source: IU-verdes Cieza

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