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Cieza UPyD presents its electoral list for the upcoming municipal (23/04/2015)

The candidate of training magenta to ciezana mayor, Diego Garcia Molina, presented Friday by the regional candidate, César Nebot, components of the bid in the Medina Museum Siyassa

Diego Garcia Molina, candidate of Unión Progreso y Democracia mayor of Cieza, presented together César Nebot, head of regional training list magenta, the municipal candidates aspiring to "achieve broad representation in the Consistory".

The event will take place at the Museum Medina Siyassa of Cieza, will serve to meet the local residents proposals and initiatives UPyD well as the members of the list.

With an average age of 38 years, García Molina highlights are people "who have been working before" and "believe in the project of training magenta to change Cieza".

García Molina was "satisfied" with the submission of the application for the first time in Cieza and UPyD "a real option for democratic regeneration in politics in our town"

Candidates ciezana town now join more than 9000 UPyD presents these upcoming elections in May, surpassing the previous participation in municipal and regional elections of 2011.

After Diego José García, computer engineer department responsible for projects in a telecommunications company, followed Jesus Perez, agricultural technician and comprehensive manager at number two, and Miguel Aurelio Algar, attorney, three.

Rocio Gomez Moreno, graduated in English studies, technical architect Francisco Ayala, industrial engineer specializing in electronic José Palao and Gabriel Sanchez farmer Morote round the top of the electoral list.

The rest of the application, up to the 21 needed and substitute the complete Cieza citizens employed in different professional, "fully involved and willing to participate and change local policy" sectors, underlines García Molina.

The head of the list says that "we want to value our program against a project that has failed to get Cieza of economic crisis, to create jobs or housing solutions, as have been the last two terms of PP".

Finally, Garcia Molina puts initiatives UPyD "versus mistrust generated by the PP, and other alternatives to try more content to citizens, to settle credible and achievable projects."

Source: UPyD Región de Murcia

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