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For IU-Greens / Win Cieza municipality economic recovery and job creation is priority (30/04/2015)

On Wednesday, Francisco Saorín, mayoral candidate for IU-Greens / Win Cieza, appeared at a press conference to explain the basic objectives and concrete proposals of his electoral program for economic revival of the municipality and job creation, which He insisted "it is our priority", pledging to devote all available resources and all the necessary effort so that there is work in Cieza.

Saorín, she has begun making a diagnosis of the situation, which summarized in "3,563 registered unemployed, 364 more than four years ago;. 1,011 lost jobs and 117 companies that have taken the closure A high rate of temporary work contracts exceeds 95%. A low qualifications among workers ciezanos, leading, in a low-wage part, otherwise unable to meet the manpower needs necessary for economic takeoff. And, lack of land for housing construction , to not develop the PGMO approved six and a half years. "

From here it has identified four basic objectives: "promote infrastructure and conditions necessary to be installed in Cieza companies, foster economic development based on diversity of supply in production; prioritize stable and quality employment and bet by agro-ecology. "

Of the 15 specific measures included in the electoral program of IU-Greens / Win Cieza, Saorín highlighted the increased supply of industrial public land at affordable prices (without economic benefits for the City) by the development of the industrial park North Ascoy;

change the compensation system for cooperation to enable the development of urbanized areas under the PGMO and create jobs in construction;

and develop a wide range of domestic tourism based on a strategy of enhancement of the ecological quality and cultural environment, with the central axis Siyâsa Medina and the River Segura, and making known attractions of the town (historic and artistic heritage, landscapes Natural, parties, gastronomy ...) and tourist routes, places the recovery of our natural environment, signaling and conditioning for your enjoyment, and empowerment of local hospitality, promoting the creation of accommodation facilities and restaurants.

In addition, the candidate for mayor of IU-Greens / Win Cieza has emphasized the commitment to organic farming;

the implementation of measures to promote the establishment of SMEs, either through forms of social economy (cooperatives and labor limited companies) or by introducing other formulas to new production processes and creating new jobs work;

and empowerment of local commerce, with a balanced fiscal policy, opening license control, avoiding the gray economy and unfair competition, the organization of advertising to promote the purchase in Cieza and momentum of partnership campaigns.

Finally, referring to the training and professional qualifications has highlighted the implementation of training programs for the unemployed with a low level of education, where training is combined with basic training and design plans business training .

Source: IU-verdes Cieza

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