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IU-Greens Cieza commitment to the candidacies of popular unit for general next (04/08/2015)

The coordinator of IU-Greens Cieza, Francisco Saorín, has stated that "so the Federal Political Council declared last June, and appealed to all IU militancy and organization to integrate and accompanying processes unit that are already underway "

IU-Green wants to "contribute to the creation of this popular unit with the best of our political culture where the collective premium on personal, citizens' interests are the north, where participation and openness and equal vote no It frightens us, with maximum and inclusive participation of parties, political groups, social platforms, people. "

"It" - eco socialist spokesman points out - "as we said to each and all build together a new model of society that collects the demands of the broader social majority, so that it is possible to define a basic framework agreement that promotes a proposal to change the policy, an agreement that has to be translated into unit candidates with attitude and determination of access to the national government. "

Finally, to the representative of the left, "it is important to learn the results of the last regional and municipal elections, and fight together to shape nominations of Popular Unity, and understand that people are clamoring for this unit and that such processes based on the role and participation, not only add but multiply achieved. "

Therefore, "from IU of Cieza we will do our political commitment to make this process come to fruition and, thus, in the next general election we can confront the right and the economic powers that are allied with the strength and with the energy to be a real alternative government ".

Source: IU-verdes Cieza

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