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The Guard detained a minor to use a social network for images of children naked (26/08/2015)

He is credited with authorship of the alleged crimes and sexual indemnity redeemed, sexual abuse of children under 16 years through electronic means and possession and distribution of child pornography

Under threats and coercion harassed the victims through a social network known for photographs and videos of children naked

When arrested he has seized a mobile phone and two hard drives

The Civil Guard in the region of Murcia, in the framework of the operation 'Euphorbia' research aimed at clarifying several threats and coercion of minors, have arrested a minor suspected of various crimes and sexual indemnity redeemed by get photos and videos of naked minors under duress and subsequent storage and distribution.

The investigation last June began when the mother of a minor filed a complaint at the headquarters of Cieza in which he reported that her daughter had been harassed by someone else via a social network, due to coercion, it He had sent the topless photographs stalker.

It was from that moment when researchers began to receive new reports of children by similar events, in which the perpetrator had falsified the profiles of their victims, contacted with other minors to the requesting photos and video content sexual and even trying to make appointments with the minors.

Similarly, the perpetrator sent photographs and videos, which had previously gotten from other children, to gain the trust of the same in a game which he called "challenges".

Up to eight different profiles in the social network

The study of the data used by the author in his criminal activity on the social network allowed the detection utilizing eight different profiles.

Furthermore, by analyzing the victims had conversations with the stalker, provided instructors case, data that allowed to locate the address of the offender obtained.

Once obtained all necessary evidence and prior judicial authorization, the Meritorious has made entry and registration at the address where the suspect has been arrested and seized computer equipment diverse two hard disks and arrested own phone.

The facts had caused enormous social concern in the town of Cieza, as the number of victims all between 9 and 15 years old totaled seven.

At the time when the incident was reported, the stalker did not cease in their attitude, so the Civil Guard made all the arrangements at the earliest and quickly as possible, especially given the possibility that the death toll was in and increase the fear that some of the minor could get to accept the offer that the author to make an appointment.

Even during the course of investigations, the Civil Guard had to prepare an operation to detect that a minor would have agreed to hold a meeting in an area known of the town of Cieza.

Finally, the meeting was not held because the Judicial Police managed to locate the child and the parents of this.

The less thought he had made a date with a girl.

The arrested, along with the effects seized and the proceedings, has been made available to the Court of Instruction No. 4 of Cieza and Murcia Juvenile Prosecutor.

Agents with the technical material used in the search of the home of the detainee and sealing the seized objects.

Source: Ministerio del Interior

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