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Cieza News - November 2015

detail of Cieza
  • Martinez-Real: "The City Council forced to return more than 22,000 euros for a grant to the former mayor Tamayo did not justify" (30/11/2015)

  • The Assembly of Cieza IU-Green values ​​the first five months of Municipal Government (30/11/2015)
    Urge the development of a specific document to develop an employment plan
  • Athena Women's Association suspends play scheduled for this afternoon (27/11/2015)

  • A competition to enhance the tradition of Cieza belenística (27/11/2015)

  • Youth Red Cross commitment to information and awareness of this problem among young people. (26/11/2015)
    November 25, International Day Against Violence Against Women
  • Convention Hall with AECC and Caritas (26/11/2015)

  • For an education equal to banish sexist and violent crime (26/11/2015)

  • The Department of Social Welfare requested the cooperation of citizens in collecting food (26/11/2015)

  • Avesco theater represents "No bread for both sausage (tribute to Cecilia, songwriter)" (25/11/2015)

  • The ciezanos, called to participate in the events of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25/11/2015)

  • On Wednesday, presenting the XXVI Half Marathon "City of Cieza" (24/11/2015)

  • IU-Green invites Cieza Cieza citizens to participate in their next local assembly (24/11/2015)

  • The City Council renewed cooperation agreements with New Foundation Los Albares and Ascope (24/11/2015)

  • "For a society free of violence, a society in real equality" (24/11/2015)
    Cieza IU-Green invites all citizens to march on 25 November against gender violence
  • Meeting with hoteliers Cieza (23/11/2015)
    Sectorial Deputy Secretary of the Popular Party of the Region of Murcia, Severa Gonzalez, the Senate candidate, Pedro Jose Perez and PP municipal spokesman, Juan Molina had a meeting with the hoteliers Cieza
  • Municipal Promotion celebrating children's rights (23/11/2015)

  • The City plans to have ready the first draft of the plan 'Cieza 2025: Integrative City' before three weeks (20/11/2015)

  • Social Welfare commemorates the International Children's Day (19/11/2015)

  • The Father Salmeron host the exhibition 'Women at the University of Murcia (19/11/2015)

  • The Ministry of Education will invest almost 600,000 euros in works in the Geronimo Belda and José Marin (18/11/2015)

  • Start of reforestation in the surroundings of the canyon Almadenes and Almorchón (18/11/2015)

  • Initial conclusions on the strategy for integrated sustainable urban development (18/11/2015)

  • Celebrate today the first day of participation on integrated sustainable urban development strategy (17/11/2015)

  • Popular Unity's candidacy last Friday presented its electoral program in Cieza (17/11/2015)
    Magdalena Martinez Bode, number one in the same, explained in the Museum Siyâsa the keys to his political project
  • Cieza IU-Greens expresses its utter revulsion against the Paris bombing (16/11/2015)
    Saorín: "United Left is always on the side of peace and the defense of human rights"
  • Woman increases actions to inform and educate the youth against violence against women (16/11/2015)

  • Ceremony at the headquarters can: musical poetry recital and closing the cultural week (14/11/2015)

  • 6 women are killed by male violence this week in this country (14/11/2015)
    50 femicide product macho terrorism so far this year
  • Cieza expresses its solidarity with the French people (14/11/2015)

  • Cieza awaits his turn at the RCH 15/16 (12/11/2015)

  • V edition of the photo contest "LOVE IS NOT THE HOST" (12/11/2015)

  • Cieza Mayor meets with the regional president of the Spanish League for Education (12/11/2015)

  • Begin talks on the prevention of absenteeism and dropout in schools (12/11/2015)

  • Popular Unity presented in Cieza its election next November 13, at 19.30 pm (11/11/2015)
    Meet at the "Medina Siyâsa" Museum, in an open meeting at which the candidate will participate by Magdalena Martinez Murcia Bode
  • The Municipal Government analyzes the decline in the number of unemployed during October 214 (11/11/2015)

  • The City opens its citizen participation integrated sustainable urban development strategy (11/11/2015)

  • In memory of each and every one of abused (10/11/2015)

  • Alberto Garzón in Murcia, in defense of public education and university (10/11/2015)
    Cieza IU-Greens ciezanos invites all to participate in the event, to be held on Thursday November 12
  • Trade calls a "resounding success" VII Feria Outlet (10/11/2015)

  • The City Council shortened the period of payment to suppliers (10/11/2015)

  • Satisfaction Cieza IU-Greens for the development of primary process Popular Unity (09/11/2015)
    Saorín "the overwhelming victory of Alberto Garzón opens a time of renewed hope for the people left in this country"
  • The pace of execution of works of paving ensures Paseo December without works (09/11/2015)

  • WE-Cieza: "Jose Eduardo Illueca, I soon mate!" (07/11/2015)

  • Cieza IU-Greens against "pay teachers according to the results of the center" (05/11/2015)
    To Penalva, the proposal made by the Minister of Education is a degradation of public education
  • The City Council adopts new measures for hiring technical services transparent (05/11/2015)

  • IU-Green: "Jose Eduardo Illueca was an example of dedication and good work in the City of Cieza" (05/11/2015)
    Nerea Martínez will take up the councilman act with determination to give continuity to a bar that has been around high
  • The Mayor of Cieza appreciates the work done by Councilman Jose Eduardo Illueca (05/11/2015)

  • The mayor encourages ciezanos to visit the VII Fair Outlet (05/11/2015)

  • The Solidarity Cirios 2016 accord to 'Tocaos Wing' Association (04/11/2015)
    The act will have to take place next February 10, Ash Wednesday, recognize an association created in 1985
  • Jose Eduardo Illueca resignation as councilor (04/11/2015)
    4th Wednesday the mayor of IU-Green formalized a decision "based on strictly personal reasons"
  • The PSOE in Cieza use free the Capitol Theatre as he refuses to nonprofit associations (04/11/2015)
    Popular councilor Angela Garcia: "A ciezanos are denied the use of this cultural space because there is no regulation governing use and costs, while others are free yields .This is a lack of respect "
  • The Municipal Council of Women's Day activities planned against Gender Violence (04/11/2015)
    also elected as vice president Joaquina Egea, of the Association of Women Athena
  • Cieza IU-Greens support the State's March Against Violence Machos Nov. 7 (03/11/2015)
    Convened by feminist groups and associations across the country, your goal is to turn male violence in a matter of State
  • The Department of Services Fords update ordinances and use of public spaces with tables and chairs (03/11/2015)

  • A picture may be worth a purchase worth 300 euros during the Fair Outlet (03/11/2015)

  • We can-Cieza: Week of events for the inauguration of the renovated dwelling can (03/11/2015)


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